The drive toward even more efficient irrigation water use and world’s best metering standards will be enhanced by an MOU, signed this week, between Australia’s two leading irrigation industry bodies Irrigation Australia Ltd (IAL) and the National Irrigators’ Council (NIC).
Australia’s irrigation sector is world leading when it comes to using the least possible water to produce the highest possible output. Developments in water use efficiency and crop research mean that Australian irrigators now produce far more food and fibre per litre of water applied than they ever have before.
NIC’s irrigator members have spent 20 years making major investments in efficiency and water use measurement, on and off farm. They’ve done that with world leading irrigation technology and equipment supplied by IAL’s members.
Greater cooperation between the two peak bodies is a logical step as the drive toward efficiency and accountability continues, with the MOU aiming to enhance and develop an industry that produces our fruit and vegetables; most of our wine; all our rice and almonds, and all our cotton.
The memorandum allows both organisations to leverage their specialist skills as a way of strengthening representation of the irrigation sector at a political level and of contributing to the continuing development of standards and professional skills.
CEO of Irrigation Australia Bryan Ward said that the memorandum is a significant development for the association, which represents the value chain of urban and rural irrigation, from water users and the rural water supply sector through to retailers, manufacturers and government agencies.
“The memorandum of understanding, which gives us observer members statuson the NIC, provides a number of benefits, including being able to participate in policy formulation and to access advice and assistance with lobbying for the industry at a federal level.
“This is a significant step that gives our membership access to services that Irrigation Australia haven’t previously enjoyed,” he explained.
NIC CEO Steve Whan said “the NIC is focused on the interests of our membership, which represents a significant proportion of Irrigation Infrastructure Operators, local irrigator organisations and commodity peak bodies.
“Agreeing to cooperate on areas of mutual interest will strengthen representation of irrigation at anational level, and benefit the membership of the both Irrigation Australia and the NIC,” he said.
A key benefit for NIC members will be access to Irrigation Australia’s expertise in providing training and certification as well as to its significant members – only information resources.
Irrigation Australia represents the urban and agricultural irrigation sectors in Australia, across the value chain from water users and managers, the rural water supply sector through to retailers, manufacturers and government agencies. It focuses on providing professional development activities for its members, runs the nation’s only certification program and largest irrigation exhibition and conference in the Australasia Pacific, and provides its members with access to a significant information resource base.
The National Irrigators Council works towards a vibrant, sustainable irrigation industry and to secure the long – term interests of its members and the irrigation industry. The NIC advocates on behalf of irrigated agriculture, developing policies and undertaking projects that benefit these aims. The NIC lobbies governments, statutory authorities and other relevant organisations for their adoption.
Tuesday 5 September 2017
Bryan Ward, CEO IAL
Phone : 02 8335 4000
Mobile : 0437 557 808
Steve Whan, NIC CEO
Phone : 0429780883