The National Irrigators’ Council (NIC) has welcomed the announcement of the One Basin Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) and congratulated the proponents of the proposal.

NIC Chief Executive Officer Isaac Jeffrey said: “The collaboration culminating in this week’s announcement is a demonstration of the capacity and drive of a range of sectors working together across five states and territories over a ten-year period.

“As Australia’s largest river system, the Murray Darling Basin is important to the wellbeing of the whole country, supporting 7,300 irrigated agriculture businesses that produce crops that feed Australians, supporting exports markets and contributing $22 billion to Australia’s economy.

“The agriculture sector, farmers and communities have long been adapting to climate related challenges, and support through well-considered and long-term solutions will be critical. The CRC model will play an important role in enabling collaborations with industry, business, researchers, government and communities to develop new technologies and the right products and services.

“The One Basin CRC will receive a $50 million grant from the Australian Government which will deliver a total of $154.4 million in funding to bring research organisations and industry together to address major challenges in the Basin.

“It is expected the CRC will leverage more than $106.5 million in cash and in-kind contributions from 85 partners, working across five states and territories, connecting industry, government, research organisations and the community to deliver science-based solutions that contribute to growth and benefit rural communities and the environment to manage climate and water risks in the Murray-Darling Basin.

“Australia’s agriculture sector faces significant challenges related to water availability and the CRC will be a key body to support the growth in the sector and Basin communities more broadly to be successful against the backdrop of those challenges, through innovation capability, developing policy and technical and financial solutions.

“The One Basin CRC will see different sectors working together to build capacity to respond to climate, water and related changes in business and planning decisions and find the right solutions to support Australia’s most valuable natural asset – the Murray Darling Basin, enabling food and fibre industries, communities and the environment to flourish.”

Media Contact: Isaac Jeffrey | 0407 083 890 |