The National Irrigators’ Council today welcomed the appointment of the Hon Neil Andrew as Chair of the Murray – Darling Basin Authority.
CEO Tom Chesson said the Council looked forward to working with Mr Andrew on the broad range of issues of importance to those involved in the irrigation industry and the communities they support.
“Mr Andrew’s skills combined with his wealth of experience in national affairs at a federal parliamentary level and beyond, and his knowledge and experience in local government are well recognised.
Mr Chesson noted the significant contribution made by the irrigated agriculture sector to the social and economic wellbeing of many communities and to Australia’s export income. The total gross value of irrigated agricultural production in Australia in 2012 – 13 was $13.4 billion {ABS}.
“Mr Andrew’s continued involvement in agricultural pursuits over a long period of time, his association with the irrigation industry and his understanding of irrigated horticulture and viticulture will serve him well as he assumes the vitally important role of Chair of the MDBA,” Mr Chesson said.
Media contact : Tom Chesson 0418 415 597