The National Irrigators’ Council says the path is now clear for a triple bottom line approach to the proposed Murray Darling Basin Plan.
Commenting on the release of government legal advice on the Water Act 2007,NIC CEO Danny O’Brien said it was now up to the MDBA or Water Minister Tony Burke to put some sense back into the proposals.
“The cuts proposed in the guide to the Basin Plan would cost thousands of jobs, threaten family farms and regional communities and force up food prices.
“We can argue over legal technicalities but the reality is now that we have a government that is committed to a triple bottom line outcome that considers the environment, food producers and regional communities.
“It’s now incumbent on the MDBA to produce a revised Basin Plan that delivers a healthy river, healthy communities and strong food production.
“If the Authority can’t or won’t do that, then Minister Burke must use his powers to direct them to do it,” Mr O’Brien said.
“Minister Burke is to be commended for his actions so far in seeking this advice and releasing it. It is now important he follows through and ensures common sense prevails.”
Media Contact: Danny O’Brien (02) 6273 3637 or 0438 130 445