Advocating for the Australian irrigated agriculture industries.

Peak agricultural industry groups from across the Murray-Darling Basin believe that the proposed Murray-Darling Basin Plan, released this morning by the Murray-Darling Basin Authority, has failed to achieve the promised balance between social, economic and environmental impacts. The collective industry bodies, including the National Farmers’ Federation (NFF), National Irrigators Council, AgForce Queensland, Queensland Farmers’ Federation, […]

The National Irrigators‟ Council (NIC) today said the draft Basin Plan in its current form is unacceptable. Chairman of the NIC, Stewart Ellis, said the draft basin plan will cost thousands of jobs, put pressure on food prices, and threaten family farms and regional communities. “If the draft Basin Plan is adopted in its current […]

Irrigation communities in the Murray Darling Basin (MDB) are worried the Governments’ Basin Plan will be an expensive failure if the focus is solely on removing water from communities. The CEO of the National Irrigators’ Council, Mr Tom Chesson, said if the Basin Plan to have any chance of being supported by communities it has […]

The National Irrigators’ Council has welcomed the decision of the Commonwealth Government to revert to previous conversion factors used to determine the reliability of water entitlements in the Murray Darling Basin. “NIC CEO Tom Chesson said the news that 20 week consultation period is due to begin on the 28th of November was welcomed, however, […]

A chance discovery has left irrigation communities furious and the goodwill generated by MDBA Chairman, Craig Knowles, is evaporating, the CEO of the National Irrigators’ Council, Tom Chesson said today. “Without telling anyone, the Commonwealth Water Department has in the latest update of water purchases on its website, changed the way they work out the […]

News & Media from Member Organisations

Irrigation Australia Media Release: Murray system reaches full allocation before spring making river operators and landholders ‘

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Member Drop in - Basin Plan Insights and Northern Toolkit


Member Drop In - Water Markets


Regional Wrap discussion with NIC CEO, Zara Lowien


Member Drop In

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Member Drop - in - National Water Agreement

Member Drop - in - National Water Agreement


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Member Networking Dinner

Member Networking Dinner

NIC Member Networking Dinner

Sydney, NSW

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NIC General Meeting

NIC General Meeting

National Irrigators' Council March General Meeting

Sydney, NSW

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Upcoming Events by Members and Partners 

Bayer Australian Cotton Grower of the Year Field day

Bayer Australian Cotton Grower of the Year Field day

Bayer and Dirranbandi Cotton Growers invite you to the Australian Cotton Grower of the Year Field Day at Clyde in Dirranbandi, Western Queensland.

Clyde, Dirranbandi, QLD

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