Advocating for the Australian irrigated agriculture industries.

National Irrigators’ Council (NIC) has welcomed the appointment of the member for Maranoa, David Littleproud to take on the role of Water Minister as part of the important Agriculture & Water Resources portfolio. NIC CEO Steve Whan said Mr Littleproud was taking over the portfolio at an important time during the implementation of the Murray […]

National Irrigators Council CEO, Steve Whan, says today’s ministerial council meeting is a serious set back for a cooperative Murray Darling Basin plan. Steve Whan said “we called on Ministers to keep the plan on track by indicating unanimous support for the steps to which all Governments agreed in 2012. That meant providing support for […]

National Irrigators’ Council(NIC) has urged ministers to take a balanced and constructive approach to the basin water ministers meeting in Albury tomorrow (Tuesday 19 December). NIC CEO, Steve Whan,says “recent media coverage on the basin has tended to focus on an overly negative view of progress. It is a view not supported by the evidence […]

The Murray Darling Basin Authority’s first five year review of the Basin Plan has provided a sensible and realistic assessment of the plan and should provide a strong signal to all involved of the need to stay the course and implement the steps of the plan as envisaged in 2012. National Irrigators Council CEO, Steve […]

National Irrigators Council CEO, Steve Whan, has described a media release by Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young proposing to move disallowance of Sustainable Diversion Limit Adjustment Measures (SDLAM), as a baffling misunderstanding of the basin plan. Steve Whan said,”no one is surprised that the Greens would move disallowance of anything to do with the Murray Darling […]

News & Media from Member Organisations

Irrigation Australia Media Release: Murray system reaches full allocation before spring making river operators and landholders ‘

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Member Drop in - Basin Plan Insights and Northern Toolkit


Member Drop In - Water Markets


Regional Wrap discussion with NIC CEO, Zara Lowien


Member Drop In

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Member Drop - in - National Water Agreement

Member Drop - in - National Water Agreement


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Member Networking Dinner

Member Networking Dinner

NIC Member Networking Dinner

Sydney, NSW

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NIC General Meeting

NIC General Meeting

National Irrigators' Council March General Meeting

Sydney, NSW

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Upcoming Events by Members and Partners 

Bayer Australian Cotton Grower of the Year Field day

Bayer Australian Cotton Grower of the Year Field day

Bayer and Dirranbandi Cotton Growers invite you to the Australian Cotton Grower of the Year Field Day at Clyde in Dirranbandi, Western Queensland.

Clyde, Dirranbandi, QLD

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