Advocating for the Australian irrigated agriculture industries.

The announcement of $160 million for Southern NSW communities targeted by Government water buybacks for an additional 450 GL, is welcomed by the National Irrigators’ Council (NIC) but they warn, it will not make up for the damage.  “Removing water from agriculture has enormous flow-on impacts throughout communities, which cannot simply be patched up with one-off handouts,” said NIC CEO, Zara Lowien. [...]

Did you know?

Did you know?

Today is a great day to celebrate that 93% of Australia's fruit, nuts and grapes together with 83% of our vegetables are all grown by irrigation.

Every day, is  great day to support Aussie Farmers and buy Australian grown fruit, nuts and vegetables. 

#AgDayAU celebrating that Aussie farmers grow more crop per drop

#AgDayAU celebrating that Aussie farmers grow more crop per drop

15 November is National Ag Day, a day to celebrate the amazing work our farmers and the broader agricultural industry do for Australia.  Australian irrigators are recognised as the most water efficient in the world, growing more crop per drop than many of our international counterparts.

100% of Australia's rice is irrigated, and is world leading using 50% less than the global average [DAFF]. 

85% of Australia's cotton crop on average is irrigated, the cotton industry has increased its water use efficiency by 240% since the first crop in the 1970's [DAFF]

Irrigators’ have called out Minister Plibersek’s announcement of having ‘1000 willing sellers towards’ the Commonwealth’s tender to buy water for the Murray-Darling Basin Plan, as a political stunt on the day of Senate Estimates.
“The last time Minister Plibersek announced a buyback tender round had been over-subscribed, the Government later rejected 72% of the offers contracting only a small proportion of the reported offers (26 GL out of 90 GL), mostly due to value for money concerns,” said Zara Lowien, CEO of the National Irrigators’ Council. [...]

National Irrigators' Council CEO, Zara Lowien writes "after decades of difficult reforms implementing Australia's best-practice water management blueprint - the National Water Initiative (NWI) - the federal government is negotiating to water it down, in the National Water Agreement (NWA).

If the NWI is the architecturally designed blueprint, the NWA is the flatpack version with unclear instructions and a few missing pieces"...

The National Irrigators’ Council proudly announces the election of a new leadership team at its Annual General Meeting in Canberra last week. This transition includes the appointment of Ms Jenny McLeod as the first female chair and Ms Rosalie Auricht as vice-chair, alongside two new board members, Ms Jenna Bell and Mr Ben Fessey. [...]

he Federal Government continue their pre-election rush, with a flawed buyback tender process designed to over-estimate irrigator interest in selling water to the Government as part of the Government’s relentless pursuit of buybacks to achieve the additional 450 GL of water under the Basin Plan. This is despite Minister Plibersek’s assurances that all other options, other than buybacks, were on the table. [...]

The Federal Government is again being called out for rushing through risky and untested reforms that seek to gain more power for themselves, prior to the upcoming election.  Consultation soon closes on their recent grab, to list two new areas as “endangered” under national environment law, replicating a controversial and subsequently, disallowed move by the former Labor Government in 2013. [...]

The federal governments draft National Water Agreement should be of concern to all who rely on rivers writes National Irrigators' Council CEO, Zara Lowien for the Weekly Times [...]

News & Media from Member Organisations

Irrigation Australia Media Release: Murray system reaches full allocation before spring making river operators and landholders ‘

Previous Events


Member Drop in - Basin Plan Insights and Northern Toolkit


Member Drop In - Water Markets


Regional Wrap discussion with NIC CEO, Zara Lowien


Member Drop In

Upcoming Member Events 

Member Drop - in - National Water Agreement

Member Drop - in - National Water Agreement


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Member Networking Dinner

Member Networking Dinner

NIC Member Networking Dinner

Sydney, NSW

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NIC General Meeting

NIC General Meeting

National Irrigators' Council March General Meeting

Sydney, NSW

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Upcoming Events by Members and Partners 

Bayer Australian Cotton Grower of the Year Field day

Bayer Australian Cotton Grower of the Year Field day

Bayer and Dirranbandi Cotton Growers invite you to the Australian Cotton Grower of the Year Field Day at Clyde in Dirranbandi, Western Queensland.

Clyde, Dirranbandi, QLD

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