Irrigators Welcome Red Tape Reduction
CEO of the National Irrigators Council (NIC), Steve Whan has welcomed new rules introduced by the Deputy Prime Minister, Barnaby Joyce, which remove the need for Irrigation Infrastructure Operators (IIOs) to produce fully – costed Network Services Plans every five years saying it is a “genuine example of practical red – tape reduction that will reduce costs for irrigators.
The Water Charge (Infrastructure) Amendment Rules 2017 implements an Australian Competition and Consumer Commission recommendation and reflects strong submissions put forward by the National Irrigators Council.
Steve Whan said “in advocating this change NIC members pointed out that the previous provision was particularly onerous and required a fully developed business case for all of the intended capital works; five – yearly projections of revenues and estimates of charges for electricity and water over the same time frame.
“It was a requirement that cost IIOs in excess of $150,000 each time it was undertaken and yet elicited a response from less than 1% of customers.
“Given most IIOs are owned and run by the irrigators themselves it was an unnecessary requirement and we thank the Government for removing it.”
Media Contact : Steve Whan 0429 780 883