National Irrigators Council welcomes new CEO
The National Irrigators Council welcomes Mrs. Zara Lowien as their new Chief Executive
Officer, as the organisation prepares for members to visit Canberra for their first meeting of
the year and the first, with Zara in the role as CEO.
Jeremy Morton, Chair of National Irrigators Council said “We are excited to be welcoming
Zara to the organisation at this important time for members and at this crucial juncture for
national water reform”.
“Zara brings more than a decade of experience in water policy working with diverse range
of stakeholders, having spent the last 13-years as the Executive Officer at Gwydir Valley
Irrigators Association, a member organisation of NIC”.
“She has a wealth of water policy knowledge as well as a grounding in hydrology and
science. She has a clear passion for agriculture and the prosperity of regional communities,
playing a pivotal role in her own community.
“Zara already knows our members and many key stakeholders following her previous role
and that means, she will be straight onto the job, representing irrigation entitlement holders
and businesses on national water issues.”
“Zara’s appointment aligns with our first General Meeting for the year, this week.
“Key items at the General Meeting will include an update on the Federal Government’s
implementation of the re-written Murray Darling Basin Plan, which was legislated prior to the
end of 2023. As well as the Government’s intent on another rewrite; this time the National
Water Initiative with the Federal agencies pushing ahead with consultation on new
objectives and agendas of a new national blueprint for water management prior to the
Productivity Commission’s final report into its statutory review of implementation.”
“NIC and its members, look forward to working with Zara and benefiting from her leadership
and advocacy of industry positions on these important issues” said Mr Morton.
Incoming CEO Zara Lowien said “it is a privilege to be representing the members of the
National Irrigators Council and bringing their voice to decision makers on key issues that
affect the industry and the communities we live in.”