Advocating for the Australian irrigated agriculture industry

Last week the Federal Government  quietly published an updated draft National Water Agreement (NWA). This is not the ‘final’ agreement, as DCCEEW says that will be finalised with jurisdictions. We have provided this preliminary assessment on the new agreement, and invite members to a special Member Drop In on the NWA on Friday, 13th December 12pm-1pm.

Overall, the Department has made many of the recommendations that we and our partners provided having received loud and clear, consistent messaging. Some more work is still required and we look forward to discussing this with you.  

The announcement of $160 million for Southern NSW communities targeted by Government water buybacks for an additional 450 GL, is welcomed by the National Irrigators’ Council (NIC) but they warn, it will not make up for the damage.  “Removing water from agriculture has enormous flow-on impacts throughout communities, which cannot simply be patched up with one-off handouts,” said NIC CEO, Zara Lowien. [...]

The NIC has prepared a DRAFT response to the Water Markets Intermediaries Code and Statutory Trust Accounts Policy Position Paper as part of the Water Reform Roadmap - these provisions will apply to businesses who act as intermediaries and therefore, any Members who act as water market intermediaries should review the final position paper and our submission and provide feedback. 

Feedback welcome by Friday 13th December 2024 to Zara.  

Attached for Members, is an overview and assessment of the Wentworth Group of Concerned scientists most recent indicators for assessing the Murray Darling Basin Plan - this isnt their first attempt.  We have also included the detailed media release, which was directly provided to selected journalists which has a few additional facts and figures.  

This information can be used to inform your boards or Members. However, we ask for caution in engaging with the media, as we are not trying to encourage extending this story any more than its current bubble. 

Our key strategic response to this, will be our own Murray Darling Basin vision document (still searching for a name) as part of our response to the MDBA's early insights. It is great to have their view of the Basin world, to incorporate and address in our own document.

Check out our final submission into the Inspector General of Water Compliance Inquiry into the Northern Basin Toolkit. 

The Toolkit was a multi-pronged solution developed through the Northern Basin Review to recommit government to existing requirements (Bridging the Gap requirements), fund a series of investments over-and-above the Murray Darling Basin Plan assumptions and existing levers of just adding water, enhance environmental outcomes and minimise socio-economic impacts.  The Toolkit was the Government's initial investment into complementary measures. 

As with many of the Murray Darling Basin Plan elements, it has lacked transparency and accountability, which should be improved in future program development.  The Toolkit highlights a number of great outcomes when investment is provided to optimising environmental water delivery and environmental outcomes. 

Take a look at our final submission on both the: 

Overall, NIC is increasingly concerned by the regulatory burden of this reform, and that it's going too far - disproportionate to the problem at hand, and the size and extent of water markets.

We are developing a strategic plan for how we approach this ongoing issue, which has a number of steps still to be implemented - stay tuned. 

This weeks Meltwater report highlights there was little in water this week, main issues were around constraints adn the appointment of Danny O'Brien to leader of the Nationals in Victoria.  Some of you may remember, Danny as our first full-time CEO. 

NIC was mentioned 19 times this week in the media.  We did not produce a Media Release this week. 

To download the report and links to key articles, via Password: Irrigators2024

The Australian Government is hosting a webinar to provide an update on our progress in implementing the Basin Plan.

The online public webinar will be held on Wednesday 11 December 2024 at 12:00pm (AEDT). The webinar will run for 60 minutes.

The panel will include representatives from the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.

Submit your questions in advance

We welcome your questions and encourage you to submit them in advance. Please email your questions to

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