The National Irrigators’ Council has welcomed the release of details of a new free trade
agreement between Australia and the United Kingdom.

Chief Executive Officer, Isaac Jeffrey said: “Australia’s farmers, including some of our great
irrigated agriculture industries, will have access to new, lucrative markets thanks to the free
trade agreement being negotiated between Australia and the United Kingdom.

“The details of the in-principle agreement released overnight show Australia’s current $15
billion per annum trade with the United Kingdom is set to dramatically increase, giving our
farmers new markets to boost local production, but also to ride out trade tensions with
other nations and diversify our export markets.

“It also means people in the United Kingdom get access to the best beef, lamb, dairy,
wine, grains, sugar and rice in the world. It is the best, not only because of the high-quality
of the produce, but because of the significant regulations and Australian high standards
under which these products are grown.

“We need more British backpackers and holidaymakers heading out to visit and taking up
the opportunity to work in our regions, and we look forward to more details on this in the
near future.”

Mr Jeffrey said the free trade agreement will have great economic value for Australian
farmers and help to ensure Australian products are available to a much wider audience.

“Sugar tariffs will be eliminated over the coming years and during the transition period,
Australia will have immediate access to a duty-free quota of 80,000 tonnes, rising by 20,000
tonnes each year,” Mr Jeffrey said.

“Short and medium grain milled rice entering the United Kingdom will be duty-free when
the agreement comes into force.

“Dairy tariffs will be eliminated over five years and during the transition, Australia will have
immediate access to a duty-free quota for cheese of 24,000 tonnes, rising in equal
instalments to 48,000 tonnes in the fifth year. Australia will also have immediate access to a
duty-free quota for non-cheese dairy of 20,000 tonnes.

“Working Holiday Visa makers from the United Kingdom will get expanded rights and will
now be able to stay for three years with an increased cut off age of 35.

“This agreement is a great deal for Australian farmers and we look forward to it being
signed and ratified by the Parliament.”

Media Contact: Isaac Jeffrey 0407 083 890