by Admin | 13 November 2018
The status quo just won’t do – that’s the message from irrigators to the Australian Energy Council (AEC) as they seek to justify cosy regulatory arrangements that see their industry rake in monopoly profits. National Irrigators’ Council CEO, Steve Whan said “a couple...
by Admin | 8 November 2018
National Irrigators’ Council CEO, Steve Whan says a ruling by the ABC’s Audience and Consumer Affairs unit upholding a complaint about coverage of the Murray Darling Basin plan by ABC’s Background Briefing is welcome and reinforces the need for...
by Admin | 30 October 2018
Our energy network owners must be living in a parallel universe if they think Australia’s job generating agricultural sector should be pleased to be paying unjustified profits says National Irrigators’ Council CEO, Steve Whan. Steve Whan said “last week NIC on behalf...
by Admin | 25 October 2018
The National Irrigators’ Council (NIC) on behalf of the Agricultural Industries Energy Taskforce (the Taskforce) has released a damning independent report showing that profits made by electricity networks are more than $2.6 billion higher than they should be – meaning...
by Admin | 23 October 2018
The National Irrigators’ Council has welcomed strong action by Government to give regulators more teeth to crack down on excessive profits by electricity companies and ensure a genuine competitive market. CEO Steve Whan said, “the announcement by the Prime...
by Admin | 14 September 2018
The National Irrigators’ Council says its members support Government exploring all options to assist irrigators and other farmers affected by drought – within the current water rules. NIC CEO Steve Whan said “many irrigators are on zero allocations and...