MDBA report reveals Basin Plan Limits are on track

Canberra, ACT, 19 August 2024: National Irrigators Council are calling on the Australian Government for answers, as they continue to pursue additional water purchases when water usage is well below the Basin Plan limits. National Irrigators’ Council CEO, Zara Lowien...

National Irrigators warn collaboration is needed on key reforms

National Irrigators warn collaboration is needed on key reforms Canberra, ACT, 27 June 2024: On the eve of the National Water Ministers meeting, the National Irrigators’ Council is calling on state Water Ministers to demand accountability from the Federal Government...

A renewed National Water Agreement

A renewed National Water Agreement Zara Lowien*, Caberra, ACT: Over two decades the National Water Initiative (2004) has played a crucial role in shaping the future of water management in Australia and it remains world leading. It has supported the growth and...